Thursday, September 29, 2005

John Roberts takes the oath of office as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

John Roberts sworn in as US Chief Justice


John Roberts, a well-regarded legal insider who has said his passion for the law transcends his personal ideology, was sworn in Thursday as the nation's 17th chief justice and the youngest in 204 years.

Roberts, 50, took his oath from Justice John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court's senior member, at the White House hours after being confirmed by the Senate, 78-22. Roberts succeeds the late William Rehnquist, for whom he once clerked.

"The Senate has confirmed a man with an astute mind and kind heart," President Bush said. "All Americans can be confident that the 17th chief justice of the United States will be prudent in exercising judicial power, firm in defending judicial independence and above all a faithful guardian of the Constitution."

Half the Senate's 44 Democrats and Sen. Jim Jeffords, an independent, joined all 55 Senate Republicans to vote for confirmation. Roberts called the vote "confirmation of what is for me a bedrock principle that judging is different from politics."

CLICK HERE to read complete USA TODAY coverage of US Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.

michael mccafferty comments:

Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts is a very remarkable and outstanding man who will bring great honor and integrity to the court.

I believe his appointment by President George W. Bush says volumes about the vision and leadership of The President.

Let us hope that Chief Justice Roberts has many many years ahead of him as Chief Justice.

God bless Chief Justice Roberts.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why is Canada giving foreign aid to China?

Why is Canada giving foreign aid to China ?

28 September 2005
News release by
Helena Guergis
Member of Parliament

OTTAWA –Conservative Member of Parliament Helena Guergis, Official Opposition Critic for International Cooperation, today questioned why Paul Martin continues to give foreign aid to Communist China after the OECD released a report predicting China will overtake both the U.S. and Germany as the world’s largest exporter within five years.

“Over the past decade the Liberal government has given one billion dollars to China in foreign aid as the Chinese economy has grown to be the second largest in the world,” said Helena Guergis. “China has now replaced Canada as the largest trading partner of the United States, so why is Paul Martin still giving over $50 million a year to China?”

The report goes on to say that China’s economy shows no sign of slowing down and at its current pace of economic growth China’s exports will represent 10% of global trade within five years compared with 6% at present.

“It is clear that China is no longer a have-not country, so why should Canadian taxpayers continue to give China millions in foreign aid annually?” asked Guergis. “Every foreign aid dollar that Paul Martin gives to the government of China is a dollar that truly developing nations with good governance cannot receive.”

michael mccafferty comments:

It is a real outrage that the Liberal government in Ottawa is giving over $50 million a year to China at a time when the average Canadian is facing very very high gasoline and fuel prices.

The time has come for Ottawa to quit playing Santa Claus with China and take care of the needs of average Canadians by using the $50 million a year to help bring down gasoline costs.

What do you think ?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Canada's new Governor General Michaelle Jean takes her oath of office.

New Governor General of Canada takes office

Michaelle Jean sworn in as Governor General of Canada
Canadian Press

September 27, 2005

OTTAWA -- Michaelle Jean, a Haitian-born Montrealer and television journalist, is Canada's 27th Governor General.
Jean, 48, was sworn in during a colourful ceremony in the Senate chamber.

CLICK HERE to see a very special web page by about the new Governor General of Canada.

michael mccafferty comments:

Today is a great day for Canada. As a multicultural nation we can be very proud of the new Governor General of Canada, Michaelle Jean. She is a remarkable and outstanding woman and I send her my heartfelt best wishes for much success and happiness during her term of office.

Governor General Jean is indeed a jewel in Canada's crown !

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The IRA disarms in Northern Ireland. Is this the start of 'real peace' ?


Independent Monitor Will Confirm I.R.A.'s Disarmament

DUBLIN, Sept. 25 - The independent agency charged with monitoring paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland is expected to confirm Monday that the Irish Republican Army has destroyed its vast arsenal of weapons. By disarming, the I.R.A. would remove what has been considered one of the largest and most stubborn obstacles to lasting peace in the British-controlled province of Northern Ireland.

John De Chastelain, the retired Canadian general who heads the independent agency and has directly supervised three previous rounds of disarmament, will give a report on the group's dismantling of its remaining arms dumps to the British and Irish governments, said David Brooker, Britain's spokesman for Northern Ireland, in a telephone interview on Sunday.
Mr. De Chastelain is also expected to present his findings, including an inventory of weapons, at a news conference in Belfast, the Northern Ireland capital.

CLICK HERE to read complete article.

michael mccafferty comments:

The Irish Republican Army has scrapped its weapons after more than three decades of armed struggle against British rule, the chief disarmament monitor for Northern Ireland is expected to announce Monday.

Gen. John de Chastelain, the head of the disarmament process is expected to make that announcement on Monday.

As a Roman Catholic whose Irish ancestors came to Canada from northern Ireland in 1824 I naturally am in favor of peace in Northern Ireland. It is my heartfelt hope that the IRA has acted in good faith and that this will be indeed a historic announcement. Now more than ever is the time for peace in Northern Ireland !

Friday, September 23, 2005

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany ? I hope so.

Angela Merkel should be Chancellor of Germany

September 24, 2005

Bloodied and Wobbly, but Still Standing in German Fight

BERLIN, Sept. 23 - People who know Angela Merkel, who after Sunday's inconclusive election is engaged in a tense duel to the finish to become the chancellor of Germany, seem to agree on at least one thing about her: she is cool and tough and not the type to walk away from a fight.
"She will not give up," Georg Gafron, a German journalist who has known Mrs. Merkel for years, said in a telephone interview on Friday. "She doesn't give up. And nobody in her party has the power to force her to give up."

CLICK HERE to read a very interesting and excellent article about the political situation in Germany published in the NEW YORK TIMES

michael mccafferty comments:

German Chancellor Schroder is like Al Gore was in the 2000 US presidential election. He just absolutely won't give up until the reality of it hits him in the head.

Angela Merkel is a very remarkable and outstanding leader -- and she will briing a new vision and great leadership to Germany.

I hope that the time comes when Germany will have as its leader - Chancellor Merkel !

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Paul Martin's vision for Canada speech.

Canada's Prime Minister delivers major policy speech


Canada Prime Minister Martin speech hints at priorities

Political statement in major speech to 700 senior civil servants

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Paul Martin called for Canada to bring in more immigrants as he delivered a wide-ranging speech that sought to outline a broad rationale for his government's actions and its future direction.

The 70-minute speech was intended to counter criticisms that the government drifts from crisis to crisis. He asserted that Ottawa's past policies and future plans are part of a coherent strategy to cope with major "new forces" such as the aging population and the rise of new powers in China and India.

CLICK HERE to read THE GLOBE AND MAIL report on Prime Minister Martin's speech.

michael mccafferty comments:

I want to praise Prime Minister Martin for the vision and leadership he has demonstrated in his major policy speech.

I agree with the TORONTO STAR editorial -

Editorial: PM's clear vision of Canada's future

"For nearly two years, Prime Minister Paul Martin has been routinely criticized for drift, for failing to outline a vision for Canada, and for shrinking from an activist agenda while he found his political feet, focused on the advertising scandal and tended to a shaky minority government.
No longer. In a thoughtful speech yesterday to senior public servants in Gatineau, Que., Martin took a major step toward addressing these concerns. He advanced a forward-looking and integrated strategy for Canadian success in a fast-changing world."

This is a welcome vision for Canada and I congratulate Prime Minister Martin.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Joe Volpe, Canadian Liberal Cabinet Minister is like a pig at the trough -- he spent $7000 on restaurant meals.

Canadian Liberal Cabinet minister spends over $7 thousand dollars on restaurant meals

Copyright The Globe and Mail and Canadian Press

Ottawa — Immigration Minister Joe Volpe was just doing his job when he billed taxpayers nearly $7,000 for restaurant meals during an 11-week period last spring, his spokesman says.
A government website shows Mr. Volpe was reimbursed $6,880.70 for 31 meals between March 3 and May 17.

Four of his aides paid for another eight meals with him and passed the sum of $4,010.45 on to taxpayers.

CLICK HERE to read entire GLOBE AND MAIL report.

michael mccafferty comments:

The arrogant Liberal Cabinet Minister obviously has no respect for the taxpayers of Canada.It is a total outrage that he would spend such huge amounts of money on extravagant meals at high roller restaurants.
It is no wonder Canadians in general are very cynical about politics and politicians.
I rather doubt Mr. Volpe will be punished for his trip to the trough.The Minister has proven he has no regard for tax dollars.
There should be a legal limit as to what a Minister can spend to eat and booze should not be charged to the taxpayers.
That's the way I see it !

Monday, September 19, 2005

'Ottawa is a sick city' : Brian Mulroney

OTTAWA is a sick city

Mulroney's sick city

Don Martin
Calgary Herald

Monday, September 19, 2005

An insightful Newfoundlander recently described Parliament Hill as 20 blocks of confusion surrounded by reality.

Brian Mulroney has a different take on the national capital: the former prime minister sees it as a cesspool of incestuous backscratching, where unworthy egos superinflate, loyalties expire as soon as the desired favour is done, insider in-breeding is rampant and the media frenzy-feed on any sign of weakness in political leadership.

They're both right.

Click here
to read Don Martin's excellent column on why Ottawa is a sick city.

michael mccafferty comments:

I first went to Ottawa for a youth political convention way back in 1966 - 39 years ago. I found Ottawa to be an amazing and fascinating capital city for Canada. From 1974 till 1979 I worked in Ottawa - first a stint at Progressive Conservative Party headquarters as their national youth director and then as a Special Assistant to former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker at his office on Parliament Hill. That is when I began to realize Ottawa is not a normal city.

The outstanding and eminent Canadian political journalist Don Martin of the Calgary Herald
has penned an excellent column on why Brian Mulroney is right -- OTTAWA is a sick city.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

United States praises the leadership of Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - a great leader.

U.S. praises Israel for troop pullout from Gaza

Source: Copyright Reuters

NEW YORK(Reuters) -

The United States has hailed Israel's withdrawal from Gaza as an "historic moment" and urged the Palestinians and Israelis to use the success of the disengagement to move forward on other key issues.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's courage and said the decision to withdraw from Gaza would both enhance Israel's security and allow the Palestinians to make progress in building the necessary institutions for a future state.

CLICK HERE to read entire REUTERS report.

michael mccafferty comments:

I admire the Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon. He is a man of courage and conviction and I salute him for his great leadership in Israel.

Please do visit the website of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee - described by the NEW YORK TIMES as 'the most important organization affecting America's relations with Israel'.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hurricane Katrina speech -

President George W. Bush Hurricane Katrina speech -

Bush Back in Top Form By John Tabin
Published 9/16/2005

Hurricane Katrina "was not a normal hurricane and the normal disaster relief system was not equal to it," President Bush said last night. But after a slow start, the President has proven that he is more than equal to the political tempest that landed ashore with Katrina.

Last week in this space I called on the President to fire FEMA head Michael Brown and give a speech with plenty of specifics about the state of the rescue operation and how problems are being fixed. Now Brown is gone, and Bush has given a speech that did everything it needed to and more. Even with the handicap of having no live audience with which to interact, Bush gave one of the four or five most effective speeches of his presidency last night.

It was a speech crafted to reassure listeners that good things are happening despite the hardship, from the anecdotes of heroism and courage at the beginning to the ending metaphor of a jazz funeral, where the band breaks out of a dirge and "into a joyful 'second line' symbolizing the triumph of the spirit over death." Bush thus placed himself in sharp relief against the negative and unpleasant post-Katrina political atmosphere.

The speech had some nice moments of rhetorical jujitsu, where Bush took the content of criticisms hurled at him in the wake of the hurricane and used them to his advantage. The critics say the President is ultimately responsible for failures; Bush not only agrees, he deftly transmutes that responsibility into credit for responsive action:
When the federal government fails to meet such an obligation, I, as President, am responsible for the problem, and for the solution. So I have ordered every Cabinet secretary to participate in a comprehensive review of the government response to the hurricane. This government will learn the lessons of Hurricane Katrina. We are going to review every action and make necessary changes, so that we are better prepared for any challenge of nature, or act of evil men, that could threaten our people.

The critics play the race card in a nasty way; Bush plays it right back at them in a positive way, grabbing the high ground:
When communities are rebuilt, they must be even better and stronger than before the storm. Within the Gulf region are some of the most beautiful and historic places in America. As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action. So let us restore all that we have cherished from yesterday, and let us rise above the legacy of inequality.
When the streets are rebuilt, there should be many new businesses, including minority-owned businesses, along those streets. When the houses are rebuilt, more families should own, not rent, those houses. When the regional economy revives, local people should be prepared for the jobs being created. Americans want the Gulf Coast not just to survive, but to thrive, not just to cope, but to overcome. We want evacuees to come home for the best of reasons, because they have a real chance at a better life in a place they love.

Bush went on to make several somewhat gimmicky proposals: an entrepreneur-friendly "Gulf Opportunity Zone," "Worker Recovery Accounts" of up to $5,000 that evacuees can use for job training and education or child care, and an Urban Homestead Act to give federal land away to low-income individuals who can build homes with either a loan or charity. What the President is doing is inflecting Clinton-style microinitiatives with an Ownership Society flavor. Whether or not that's good policy, it's almost certainly good politics.

After the speech ended, ABC provided a scene of wonderful high comedy, with reporter Dean Reynolds interviewing evacuees outside the Astrodome and repeatedly getting the "wrong" answers delivered in the almost musical accent of black New Orleans. Do you think the President was sincere? "Yes." Did you hear anything you didn't believe? "No, I didn't." One woman not only declined to criticize the President, she forcefully argued that state and local authorities deserve the lion's share of the blame for not acting long before the feds could be expected to arrive, invoking the famous unused buses.

Poor Reynolds, caught in a white liberal nightmare where the black people refuse to follow the script. But it's no surprise that Bush won the evacuees over. It was, as one woman put it, "a well fine speech."

John Tabin is a frequent online contributor to The American Spectator.

michael mccafferty comments: RIGHT ON MR. PRESIDENT !

Thursday, September 15, 2005

German conservative leader Angela Merkel - Germany's next Chancellor ?

BERLIN, Germany (Reuters) --

Conservative leader Angela Merkel is bidding in Germany's September 18 parliamentary election to become the country's first female chancellor and the first to have been raised in the former communist east.

CLICK HERE to see a CNN profile of Angela Merkel.

michael mccafferty comments:

Angela Merkel is a remarkable and outstanding political leader in Germany. She has the vision and leadership to become an excellent Chancellor of Germany. It is my hope that on this coming Sunday the voter's of Germany elect her to become Chancellor Merkel.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tony Blair is a great world leader -- and a true statesman.

Tony Blair speech to the United Nations.

Copyright BBC News

Blair offers clarion call for UN

Tony Blair has said the UN must take a lead in promoting democracy and fighting terrorism.

"The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future" Tony Blair.

Click here to read BBC NEWS report of Prime Minister Tony Blair speech to the United Nations.

michael mccafferty comments:

Tony Blair is truly a great world leader and statesman -- and that is why I am very impressed by his outstanding speech to the United Nations.

I hope all the world leaders there were listening !

Monday, September 12, 2005

Peter C. Newman's new block buster book.

The Secret Mulroney Tapes by Peter C. Newman

The Secret Mulroney Tapes is an outrageous and intimate portrait of a Canadian prime minister, as told in his own words. There has never been a political book like this, and there will almost certainly never be another.

Peter C. Newman, the author of books about John Diefenbaker, Lester B. Pearson and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, as well as 2004's number-one bestselling memoir, Here Be Dragons: Telling Tales of People, Passion and Power, has done it again. He has written twenty-two books that have sold two million copies, and earned him the title of Canada's "most cussed and discussed" political commentator. Here, his no-holds-barred profile of Canada's most controversial-and most reviled-prime minister breaks new ground.


michael mccafferty comments :

Peter C. Newman is Canada's most eminent and outstanding author. I am honored to call Peter C. Newman my friend and I very much respect him as a truly great Canadian !

THE SECRET MULRONEY TAPES is going to be a block buster best selling book and I am delighted it has been written by a very remarkable and extraordinary Canadian - Peter C. Newman.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Japan's Prime Minister Koizumi

Japan Prime Minister Koizumi wins his gamble with a landslide

By Colin Joyce in Tokyo(Filed: 12/09/2005)

Japan's prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, gained an overwhelming mandate for his reforms last night after gambling his political life on a snap election.

His Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was returned to power with a landslide, winning at least 296 of the 480 seats in parliament's lower house, nearly 30 more than previously.

CLICK HERE to read complete article about Japan's election and the victory of Prime Minister Koizumi.

michael mccafferty comments:

I admire strong and solid leadership. That is why I admire Japan's Prime Minister Koizumi. He had the courage to take his vision for Japan to the people in a snap election.

I am delighted by the landslide victory the voters of Japan have given Prime Minister Koizumi.

Friday, September 09, 2005

China's President Hu Jintao and Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin

China rights talks 'open and frank': Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin



Sept 9 2005

China's record on human rights was the subject of an “open and frank” discussion Friday as Prime Minster Paul Martin met with visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao and the Canadian leader says he told his counterpart that Canada remains concerned about the situation.

The two leaders met Friday morning to discuss trade and economic ties between the two countries, but Mr. Martin told reporters later that human-rights issues remain “key” for Canadians and central to any relationship between the two countries.
“President Hu and myself have conducted open and frank discussions on human rights and governments,” Mr. Martin said following the meeting in Ottawa.

CLICK HERE to read entire GLOBE AND MAIL article on Canada's policy on human rights in China.

michael mccafferty comments:

Human rights must remain key and fundamental to any relations between Canada and China. I commend Prime Minister Paul Martin for his leadership in dealing with this very important matter.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

US Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist

Chief Justice William Rehnquist

Sept. 7, 2005


Chief justice praised for his duty, devotion to integrity and humor

COPYRIGHT Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Chief Justice William Rehnquist was buried Wednesday as President Bush led the nation in bidding farewell to the man who orchestrated a dramatic states rights power shift in a third of a century on the Supreme Court and settled the acrimonious 2000 election in Bush's favor.

With more laughs than tears, family and friends spoke poignantly of Rehnquist's final days — when he cracked jokes in the face of death — and proudly of the imprint of his 33 years on the high court.

"We remember the integrity and the sense of duty that he brought to every task before him," Bush said during a two-hour service at St. Matthew's Cathedral. Rehnquist was a steady, guiding presence on the court, Bush said of the nation's 16th chief justice who died Saturday at 80.

michael mccafferty comments:

Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the United States Supreme Court was truly a great American -- a genuine patriot and statesman. Rehnquist brought great honor and integrity to all that he did in serving his nation.

God bless William Rehnquist for he was a very remarkable and outstanding man.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


A little-known United States Senator George Allen has been named most likely Republican nominee for 2008

President Allen ?

Copyright MacLean's (Canada)
August 22 2005

United States Senator George Allen

The little-known senator and former governor of Virginia has been anointed the most likely Republican presidential nominee in 2008 by 85 congressional Republicans and influential strategists polled by the insider National Journal magazine.

CLICK HERE to read the fascinating and excellent article about GEORGE ALLEN

in McLean's.

michael mccafferty comments:

Ronald Reagan was the greatest president in my lifetime to date. So when I read about potential American presidents I always compare them to President Reagan in my mind.

There are excellent Republicans who come to mind as Republican candidates for 2008 such as John McCain and Jeb Bush.

The other day while reading MacLean's in my doctor's office I came accross a fascinating article about United States Senator George Allen -- and I am very impressed by his outstanding credentials. He is in the 'spirit' of Ronald Reagan !

President Allen ? Let's see what happens.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Canada will help our American friends - a message from Ambassador Frank McKenna.

Canada wants to help the USA and New Orleans

A message from Ambassador Frank McKenna
Canada's Amassador to the United States

As Katrina continues its journey toward the northern US and eventually into Canada, all of those affected are in our thoughts and prayers. The effects of this powerful storm will be felt by our American friends and by Canadians in the area for a long time. We can only hope that despite the storm's devastating impact, the loss of human life will be minimal. Anne McLellan, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Responsible for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, spoke to her counterpart Michael Chertoff to offer Canada's assistance. I have also written to the Governors of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi to make the same offer. The Minister of Health, Ujjal Dosanjh, has directed the Public Health Agency of Canada to contact U.S. Health and Human Services and offer any assistance that may be helpful, such as emergency medical supplies contained in the National Emergency Stockpile System. Canadian and American emergency civil response authorities have been in close touch during this time, and we are prepared to respond to any request made to Canada. Yesterday, the Deputy Prime Minister released the following statement: "On behalf of all Canadians, I wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones as a result of Hurricane Katrina, as well as our sympathies to those who have suffered great losses and personal hardship. During this difficult time, we are offering our support to our friends and neighbours."Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew echoed the comments made by the Deputy Prime Minister and expressed relief that no Canadians had been reported dead or missing. "We have successfully contacted the majority of those Canadians who are registered with our missions and who may have been affected by the disaster," said Minister Pettigrew. "We are confident that the US authorities are deploying all possible efforts to assist."The Government of Canada cannot emphasize enough the need for Canadians in the area to heed the instructions of local authorities. For Canadians who are in distress or otherwise in need of Consular assistance, they should contact our 24/7 Emergency Operations Centre in Ottawa at 1-800-267-6788. Those wishing to help should contact a relief organization such as the Red Cross. In the meantime, let us all hope and pray for the safety of our neighbours.
Frank McKennaAmbassador of Canada to the United States

michael mccafferty comments:

It is my heartfelt hope that all Canadians who are able to do so will help of friends and neighbors in the USA during this tragic disaster. God bless America.

My Photo
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

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