Friday, September 23, 2005

Angela Merkel should be Chancellor of Germany

September 24, 2005

Bloodied and Wobbly, but Still Standing in German Fight

BERLIN, Sept. 23 - People who know Angela Merkel, who after Sunday's inconclusive election is engaged in a tense duel to the finish to become the chancellor of Germany, seem to agree on at least one thing about her: she is cool and tough and not the type to walk away from a fight.
"She will not give up," Georg Gafron, a German journalist who has known Mrs. Merkel for years, said in a telephone interview on Friday. "She doesn't give up. And nobody in her party has the power to force her to give up."

CLICK HERE to read a very interesting and excellent article about the political situation in Germany published in the NEW YORK TIMES

michael mccafferty comments:

German Chancellor Schroder is like Al Gore was in the 2000 US presidential election. He just absolutely won't give up until the reality of it hits him in the head.

Angela Merkel is a very remarkable and outstanding leader -- and she will briing a new vision and great leadership to Germany.

I hope that the time comes when Germany will have as its leader - Chancellor Merkel !


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