Monday, September 19, 2005

OTTAWA is a sick city

Mulroney's sick city

Don Martin
Calgary Herald

Monday, September 19, 2005

An insightful Newfoundlander recently described Parliament Hill as 20 blocks of confusion surrounded by reality.

Brian Mulroney has a different take on the national capital: the former prime minister sees it as a cesspool of incestuous backscratching, where unworthy egos superinflate, loyalties expire as soon as the desired favour is done, insider in-breeding is rampant and the media frenzy-feed on any sign of weakness in political leadership.

They're both right.

Click here
to read Don Martin's excellent column on why Ottawa is a sick city.

michael mccafferty comments:

I first went to Ottawa for a youth political convention way back in 1966 - 39 years ago. I found Ottawa to be an amazing and fascinating capital city for Canada. From 1974 till 1979 I worked in Ottawa - first a stint at Progressive Conservative Party headquarters as their national youth director and then as a Special Assistant to former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker at his office on Parliament Hill. That is when I began to realize Ottawa is not a normal city.

The outstanding and eminent Canadian political journalist Don Martin of the Calgary Herald
has penned an excellent column on why Brian Mulroney is right -- OTTAWA is a sick city.


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