Monday, November 06, 2006

ELECTION USA: Michael McCafferty's predictions.

For the past 40 years I have followed American politics with a passion -- and I have read many books about American politics. I am willing to stick my neck out and make some predictions on the US Elections.

I believe there are several forces at work that will make this a 'big' win for the Democrats.

1. The Democrats are really energized. They can taste victory.
2. The high anxiety about the war in Iraq.
3. The deep 'unpopularity' of George W. Bush.
4. The Christian conservative vote is going to stay at home by the thousands.

Put all of that into the mix and here are my predictions:

UNITED STATES SENATE 51 Democrats and 49 Republicans.
The Democrats take the Senate.

THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A 32 seat gain for the Democrats to give them a solid majority.

GOVERNORS 8 new Democratic Governors. A majority of state governors will now be Democrats.

So there you have it folks. Check back on Wednesday to see how close I came in my predictions. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Jacques Beau Vert said...

Are you serious?? Or being sarcastic?

Listen, I hope you are right. But I have a less optimistic outlook. I'll check back in later tonight or tomorrow and we'll see how you did. :)

7:54 AM

Blogger Jacques Beau Vert said...

It's looking good so far... may go to bed soon and check in the morning.

10:11 PM

Blogger Jacques Beau Vert said...

Wow, I have to hand it to you, man - I didn't think it'd ever happen, but it looks like you're going to be right when these Senate counts are done. Amazing predictions - bold and, it looks, accurate.

10:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is damned near impossible to unseat an incumbent in US politics...due to the finance rules....But dubya found a way. His blundering of the invasion of Iraq was based on lies...and continues to be. It is all about oil....or he insists on saying..he wished to free the Iraqi people of a demonic despot, who had weapons of mass destruction....then we should brace ourselves for the invasion of N. Korea....any day now

6:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't about terroism..nor domestic policies...Had it been so, the Republicans would have made was about invading a sovereign nation to plunder their resources...namely ..oil

6:21 AM


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