Sunday, December 03, 2006

Stephane Dion elected Leader of Canada's Liberal Party

In one of the most historic and exciting political conventions in Canada's history the delegates to the federal Liberal Party convention in Montreal elected 51 year old Stephane Dion as their Leader.

The Liberal convention was truly grassroots democracy in action because Mr. Dion defeated the two front runners for the leadership.

Mr. Dion represents a new generation of leadership in Canada as does Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- and time will tell what kind of a leader Mr. Dion will be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephane Dion started with his own animal magnetism....and that got him his mother's vote, and possibly his wife's vote....The Chretienites....those who were left, gave him the rest of his first ballot support. It was nothing, compared to the Martinites' effort for Michael Ignatieff....who were leading in the first, and second ballot.
Kennedy came to Dion...and brought almost all his troops with him.....the rest is history. After the second ballot...backslappers and the rest jumped on board...more to ensure they didn't drop too far back in the 'chow line'...than a big supporter of Dion's policies

5:45 AM


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