Thursday, November 23, 2006

Prime Minister Harper says Quebec is a nation within Canada

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OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper surprised the House of Commons on Wednesday by announcing his Conservative Government wants to recognize Quebec as nation within a united Canada.

Prime Minister Harper said the Conservative Government is putting forward a motion to recognize Quebec’s nationhood within Canada in order to supersede a Bloc Quebecois motion that he says would virtually be a vote for separation from the rest of Canada.

MICHAEL McCAFFERTY says: I am proud of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He has demonstated that he has the vision and strong leadership to be an outstanding prime minister.

My wife is from Quebec City and like her I believe Quebec is truly a natuon within Canada.
Quebec is really a very distinct society.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quebec is a Nation within a has been since the beginning. Finally it is , was that so hard?????

4:08 PM


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