Sunday, July 23, 2006

Canada's Foreign Minister defends support for Israel

"A ceasefire and a return to the status quo is a victory for Hezbollah," said Canada's Foreign Minister Peter MacKay, answering questions about why Canada has not joined other countries in calling for a cessation to hostilities.

"Let's not forget that this was an unprovoked attack by a terrorist organization. Missiles were being fired into Israel. This is an attempt to defend a sovereign nation...This wasn't an impulsive move by Israel."

Click here to read CTV NEWS article about Foreign Minister Peter MacKay.

Michael McCafferty says:

I am proud of the fact that the Government of Canada and in particular
Prime Minister Harper and Foreign Minister MacKay are supporting
the State of Israel. Now more than ever Canada must continue to show
leadership in defending Israel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

12:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

8:12 AM


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