Monday, January 09, 2006

I support Stephen Harper for Prime Minister

I Support Stephen Harper

Michael McCafferty comments:

Now, more than ever before in Canada's history we need a change of government in Ottawa.

Stephen Harper is a genuine Canadian patriot who will bring honor and integrity to the office of Prime Minister. Stephen Harper has great leadership ability and he will be a great Prime Minister.

I am proud and honored to endorse Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
and respectfully ask my fellow Canadians to do the same so that on January 23rd there will be real change in Ottawa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I do endorse any strategy to prevent extremists in Quebec from misleading voting Quebecers into separation,I also condemn the poisonous religion of 'entitlement' which has blinded the Liberals to arrogantly seek re-election.

11:13 PM


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