Monday, December 26, 2005

John McCain attracts legion of admirers to book-signing

San Diego Union Tribune

John McCain - American hero.

Hundreds of people waited in line outside Warwick's last night. Most were readers hoping for an autograph. Many were political junkies hoping for a sign.
A handful were too young to understand the hoopla – but they had hopes, too.
"We're going to see a hero," Johnny Chen of La Jolla told his son.

"A superhero?" asked Jacob, 2.

Chen thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes."

At the end of the line was Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. He came to La Jolla as the co-author of a best seller, "Character is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember." Or at least that's how Warwick's billed the event. But you had to be as naive as Jacob Chen to believe the book-signing was the only item on the evening's agenda.

"The thing I want to do is tell him to stop messing around and please run for president before we're both too old," said Don Pollett, a Vietnam veteran from Del Mar.

McCain ducked questions about his plans for 2008. But "Character" could have been dubbed "Profiles in Courage" if that title hadn't adorned a 1955 book by another ambitious U.S. senator: John F. Kennedy.

McCain's book contains 34 mini-biographies, each one devoted to an aspect to character. E.J. Dionne, a Washington Post columnist, recently analyzed how these chapters would play in a future McCain campaign. Turns out, there's something for every voter.

Do you seek strong executive leadership in a time of crisis? McCain and co-author Mark Salter give you Lincoln ("Resilience"). Are you a soccer mom? There's Joan of Arc ("Authenticity"). A voter of color? Sojourner Truth ("Idealism"). Part of the religious right? The four chaplains aboard the ill-fated World War II troopship Dorchester ("Tolerance").
Many profiles involve prisoners: Thomas More ("Honesty"), Viktor Frankl ("Dignity"), Nelson Mandela ("Forgiveness"), Aung San Suu Kyi ("Courtesy"). Several endured torture.

McCain insisted that any similarities between those lives and his own are coincidental. Yes, he was a naval aviator who spent 5½ years as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese, who physically and mentally abused this son and grandson of American admirals. Yes, he is a senator who has won praise successfully advocating campaign finance reform and banning the torture of suspected terrorists in U.S custody.

"But I'm still a work in progress," McCain said. "My mother calls me quite frequently with various critiques of my performance on TV and other public events. She's usually pretty severe with her comments."

The people at Warwick's issued severe comments, too – about other politicians.
"I'm a Democrat. I voted for Kerry," said Kathy Chen, 34, Jacob's mom. "But in my lifetime I've never seen a great man run for president. Up until now, we've been using the junior varsity. McCain's definitely varsity."

"I'm a registered Republican but I'm not happy about being that anymore," said Linda Cunningham of Mission Valley. "I just like McCain."

"He's an exemplary figure for all Americans," said Michael Quinn, a senior at McCain's alma mater, the U.S. Naval Academy. "He's mentioned often at school."

But Annapolis instructors do not dwell on McCain's academic career. He almost flunked out.

"I was a hell-raiser and a rebel," McCain admitted. "But I think that was due to immaturity. The qualities of honor and integrity were instilled in me early by my family."


No doubt about it. John McCain is a genuine American hero. He ranks up there with John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

It is my heartfelt hope that John McCain is destined for greatness.


Blogger John Murney said...

This man should be the American President, instead of that stupid George W. Bush.

10:26 AM


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