Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Canada's Gomery Report released

Gomery report lays blame on former Prime Minister Jean Chretien

copyright Canwest News Services

OTTAWA -- Justice John Gomery says former prime minister Jean Chretien shares the blame for one of the worst political scandals in Canadian history, which involved illegal kickbacks to the Quebec wing of the Liberal party. As for Prime Minister Paul Martin, Gomery says, he was out of the loop and is off the hook.
Gomery’s first

Gomery’s first report on the scandal is a 1,000-page blockbuster tale that documents the abuse of tens of millions of taxpayers dollars that leaves the reader with no doubt about who he believed and who he didn’t during months of oft-explosive and oft-contradictory testimony before his judicial inquiry.

CLICK HERE for in depth coverage of the Gomery Report.


Let me quote from a Conservative Party of Canada news release:

"On November 1, Judge Gomery tabled his report on the Liberal sponsorship scandal. The report confirmed that millions of dollars were stolen from the public treasury to benefit the Liberal party. The Liberal Party must be held politically and democratically responsible.

• The Liberal Party set up the sponsorship program. The Liberal Party ran the sponsorship program. The Liberal Party used the sponsorship program to funnel tax dollars into its partisan operations.

• High ranking Liberals manipulated the sponsorship program to enrich the Liberal Party and their friends.

• The sponsorship scandal is a Liberal scandal, not a Quebec scandal.

The culture of corruption is deep-rooted in the Liberal party and still exists. Justice Gomery specifically admonished the Liberals for equating the interests of the Liberal Party with those of national unity.

The Conservative is the only Party who will clean up government, fight waste, mismanagement and corruption."

I agree 100 % !


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