Sunday, October 30, 2005

Rosa Parks - a truly great American.

Rosa Parks to lie in honour in Capitol Rotunda

Associated Press Copyright

WASHINGTON — In death, Rosa Parks is joining a select few, including presidents and war heroes, accorded a public viewing in the Capitol Rotunda. It's the place where, six years ago, President Clinton and congressional leaders lauded the former seamstress for a simple act of defiance that changed the course of race relations.

On Sunday, Parks becomes the first woman to lie in honor in the vast circular room under the Capitol dome.

CLICK HERE for entire CTV NEWS report on Rosa Parks.


Rosa Parks was truly a 'profile in courage'. She was a good and decent lady who stood up to the dark forces of rascism in the USA. Rosa Parks will go down in histyory with Martin Luther King as a person who had the courage to defy the bigotry that was part of segregation in the old south. I believe it is a fitting tribute to Rosa Parks that she will lay in state in the rotunda of the US Capitol building. May God bless Rosa Parks.


Blogger John Murney said...

Here, here.

2:35 AM


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