Sunday, March 20, 2005

Euthanasia has no place in civilized society ! God bless President Bush and the Republicans in Congress for their leadership.

Senate Approves Bill in Right to Die Case
Sun Mar 20, 2005 05:40 PM ET

The pro-euthanasia media in the USA calls it 'right to die' when the truth is that allowing Terri Schiavo to die -- that would be another slip own the slippery slope --
and bring about mercy killing in America -- and it would spread to other nations like Canada.

Read this news article -

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Sunday unanimously passed legislation aimed at prolonging the life of a brain-damaged woman, Terri Schiavo, in an extraordinary intervention by Congress to move the Florida case into the jurisdiction of federal courts.

President Bush cut short a Texas vacation and flew back to Washington to sign the bill as soon as it passes both houses of Congress.

The House of Representatives is expected to take up the same bill and pass it early Monday morning after a brief delay caused by objections by some Democrats who said it put Congress in the middle of a family dispute and undermined state rights.

Here is my opinion:

I respect and admire the Christian 'courage' of President George W. Bush and the Republican Congress in standing up for what is right in the battle against mercy killing.

Tonight I will pray this bill passes Congress and I will pray for Terri Schiavo.
God bless President Bush, the Republican Congress, and may God especially bless
Terri Schiavo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need euthanasia. No one should have the right to control my body, or tell me what I can or cannot do with my body. I am tired of religious fundamentalists telling me how to run my life.

7:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe should let God decide when it is your time and not you.

10:35 PM

Blogger Larry Birkbeck said...

Religious fundamentalists have nothing to do with birth or death. That is God's decision and not our own.

None of us had any hand in our birth, this was the work of God and so it should be with our death. These words are not my works, but the work of God. I pray for those who believe they are in some way in control of their life and death and all that exists between. I pray all will come to understand that God has a plan for each of us and that He is in control.

Who are we to kill one who was born out of the Hand of God?

1:14 AM


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