Thursday, September 28, 2006

John McCain - exclusive interview in 'The Spectator' about British Conservative Leader David Cameron.

Posted by Picasa In this exclusive interview, the Republican presidential front-runner tells Matthew d’Ancona why he is speaking at the British Conservative conference, and says that Cameron has the youth, exuberance and determination to be a Tory JFK ...

Read the entire article in the Spectator by clicking here.

Michael McCafferty says:

John McCain is truly a genuine American hero and statesman -- and hopefully the next president of the United States. Recently Senator McCain went to England to give a major speech to the British Conservative Party conference.

In this exclusive interview with THE SPECTATOR John McCain has glowing praise for Brish Conservative Party Leader, David Cameron.


Blogger Eddy said...

John is a great man. Thanks for the article and your great blog. I look forward to reading it often.
Your new friend,
Eddy McCafferty

3:53 AM

Blogger Eddy said...

John McCain is a great man. I look forward to reading your blog often.
Your new friend,
Eddy McCafferty

3:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

John McCain is a great man. I look forward to reading your blog often.
Your new friend,
Eddy McCafferty

3:54 AM


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