Sunday, January 22, 2006

British Columbia group wants peak renamed for John Diefenbaker


How does Mount Diefenbaker sound ?

John Diefenbaker, Canada's 13th prime minister, could soon have a mountain named after him. He would join a group of 10 former Canadian prime ministers who have a mountain named in their honour in the Premier Range in British Columbia.

CLICK HERE to read Canadian Press article about John Diefenbaker having a mountain named after him.

Michael McCafferty comments:

I am very proud of the fact that I served Mr. Diefenaker as his personail aide right up until his death in 1979. Mr. Diefenbaker was my mentor and I very much respected and admired him.

I do believe it would be a fitting honor to have a mountain named after John Diefenbaker. He was truly a great Canadian !


Blogger John Murney said...

That would be absolutely great!

9:57 PM

Blogger Sean Tisdall said...

I would say that Diefenbaker Lake might be the more fittting and ideally more singular honour. The lake is the physical product of his efforts to build the South Saskatchewan Dam. The lake Symbolic of his efforts to develop a Canadian infrastructure and it is symbolic of Diefenbaker's belief in the good that government can do for the life of the average Canadian. A Mountain is an act of fortune. Diefenbaker lake is an act of will.

4:19 AM


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