Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Harper vows free vote on gay marriage

Canadian Press
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Gay marriage should not be an issue in this election.

OTTAWA -- Conservative Leader Stephen Harper launched his campaign Tuesday by steering it straight into the electoral turbulence of gay marriage.
The starting gun for the eight-week race still rang in the air as Harper went out of his way to reopen a politically noxious debate. A Conservative government would move to restore the traditional definition of marriage if Parliament supports the idea, he said. "It will be a genuine free vote when I'm prime minister.

CLICK HERE to read entire CANADIAN PRESS article.

Michael McCafferty comments:

Now is not the time for Mr. Harper to start a national debate on gay marriage.

The law passed by parliament allows gay marriage in Canada but allows religious clergy or church to opt out if they do not want to perform a gay marriage. In my opinion considering the diversity of Canadian society this is the best law for Canada.

You see I figure the Conservatives and Mr. Harper should not give the Liberals ammunition to attack with.

Those who are Christian know where Mr. Harper stands and this need not be an election issue that will divert attention away from the most important issues --
intergity in government and a time for change.


Blogger John Murney said...

You are correct again, Michael.
Too bad the Reformers who made a hostile takeover of your party aren't smart enough to hire you to run the Conservative campaign.

1:21 AM


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