Monday, November 28, 2005

Canada will go the polls in a national election

The short-lived 38th Parliament met its demise on Monday night, setting the stage for the longest election campaigns in two decades, as the Liberal government was defeated in a no-confidence vote at the hands of all three opposition parties and the country was launched into official election mode.

Click here to read the entire GLOBE AND MAIL report.

Michael McCafferty comments:

I congratulate Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party, and Jack Layton of the NDP and Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois for having the political courage to bring down the Liberal government.

Canada will now go into a General Election campaign, and it is my hope that Canadians will feel like I do that "it's time for a change" -- after 12 years of the Liberals it is truly TIME FOR A CHANGE.


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