Monday, March 28, 2005

God bless Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II is truly a man of God. He is so full of love and compassion and deep faith that he in my opinion is one of the great Christian leaders in the history of the world. There is a special place in my heart for His Holiness John Paul II.

As The Pope enters the twilight of his life I am praying for him in the heartfelt hope that the Lord in His ultimate love will find an immediate place in Heaven for John Paul II. He has inspired faith and hope in thousands upon thousands around the world in his travels and has touched their hearts and souls.

Pope John Paul II was a leader in helping to bring down 'communism' in the old USSR and
other eastern bloc nations including his homeland of Poland.

Pope John Paul II along with Billy Graham are the two Christian leaders in modern history who have inspired hundreds of thousands of people to a faith in God and Jesus Christ. Words cannot adequately express my love and adoration for Pope John Paul II. He is truly a good and decent man and a truly great man.

I thank God for Pope John Paul II and may God in His love bless the Pope. On this Easter Monday I believe it is a special day to give thanks for this amazing and wonderful man --
Pope John Paul II.


Blogger Michael McCafferty said...

The fact that millions of people around the world -- even non-Catholics and those who do not believe in God -- joined together in a massive outpouring of love for Pope John Paul II is proof of his greatness and legacy.

A century from now history will record John Paul II as a giant who brought down communisum but more important inspired faith and hope in countless millions.

I pray he will become Saint John Paul the Great.

8:43 PM


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