Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity, on Where Bush Stands
Bill SteigerwaldFrontPageMagazine.com
February 21, 2006

Fox News superstar and radio talk-show host Sean Hannity is a Reagan conservative and G.W. Bush supporter who ardently supports the war in Iraq and the war on terror. He is a co-host with Alan Colmes of Fox's successful "Hannity and Colmes" and his syndicated 3-6 p.m. (EST) talk show is heard on about 500 radio stations across the land. Fresh from his trip to San Francisco and the U.S.-Mexican border near San Diego, he called me from New York City.

CLICK HERE to read entire Sean Hannity interview.

Michael McCafferty comments:

Sean Hannity is a very remarkable 'ambassador' for the American conservative movement. He is a genuine patriot and is a very excellent outstanding talk radio and television host.

Sean and I are of Irish descent and you can be sure -- I admire Sean Hannity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahaha. that's just crazy.

9:24 AM

Blogger John Murney said...

How many idiots can be packed on the airwaves?

2:35 AM


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