Saturday, February 18, 2006

National ID Card for Canada

Canadian Press

Ottawa — Sooner or later, Canadians will have to carry some form of identification other than a passport to travel outside the country, says the new federal minister of public safety.

The British Commons has just adopted legislation for a government-issued national ID card and Stockwell Day suggested in an interview with The Canadian Press that such a card is inevitable for Canada.

Click here for GLOBE AND MAIL news article Day proposes national ID card.

Michael McCafferty comments:

I agree with federal Minister of Public Safety,Stockwell Day that the time has come for a national identification card in Canada.

The world has become a dangerous place -- and I do believe law abiding Canadian citizens would have no problem with a national ID card.

I am pleased that Canada's new Conservative Government is taking this idea seriously because it is an idea whose time has come.


Blogger John Murney said...

Remember Mike, Big Brother is watching you...

2:36 AM


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