National ID Card for Canada
Canadian Press
Ottawa — Sooner or later, Canadians will have to carry some form of identification other than a passport to travel outside the country, says the new federal minister of public safety.
The British Commons has just adopted legislation for a government-issued national ID card and Stockwell Day suggested in an interview with The Canadian Press that such a card is inevitable for Canada.
Click here for GLOBE AND MAIL news article Day proposes national ID card.
Michael McCafferty comments:
I agree with federal Minister of Public Safety,Stockwell Day that the time has come for a national identification card in Canada.
The world has become a dangerous place -- and I do believe law abiding Canadian citizens would have no problem with a national ID card.
I am pleased that Canada's new Conservative Government is taking this idea seriously because it is an idea whose time has come.
Remember Mike, Big Brother is watching you...
2:36 AM
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