Monday, October 10, 2005

Brian Mulroney still very respected and admired.

Mulroney still revered, sought out for advice by Conservatives


OTTAWA (CP) - When Peter MacKay went searching for someone to ease his angst about his future last week, he followed the weathered path to Brian Mulroney's tony doorstep.

Despite a dozen years in the wilderness and a scathing best-selling book that depicts the former prime minister warts-all, Mulroney remains the Oracle at Westmount for those who believe he safeguards the Holy Grail of Canadian conservative politics: the ability to win.

To read this wonderful article about Brian Mulroney from click here.

Brian Mulroney is truly a great Canadian statesman, and i admire him very much. Mr. Mulroney is a genuine patriot with great leadership abilities.

I am happy to know that his wise counsel is sought by many -- and I am delighted that Mr. Mulroney is respected and held in such high regard.

It is my heartfelt hope that Mr. Mulroney's health improves because Canada needs a wise elder statesman.

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Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

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