Tuesday, March 08, 2005

John F. Kennedy - my life time hero.


Saturday, November 22, 2003,
12:00 a.m. Pacific

Guest columnist

O Kennedy

By Michael McCafferty Special to The Times

Greetings from Canada from a Canadian who wants to honor the memory of President John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy was my hero when I was a 12-year-old boy, and 40 years later, President Kennedy is a true hero in the heart of a 52-year-old man.
It seems hard to believe that 40 years have gone by since that very tragic day of Friday, Nov. 22, 1963. The day John F. Kennedy died, I shed tears and felt the world had lost a truly wonderful and remarkable leader.
In the 40 years since the death of President Kennedy, I have built up a collection of books, photographs and political buttons from Kennedy's campaign for president in 1960. On my office wall hangs a large campaign poster with a larger-than-life photograph with a caption that reads: "A Time for Greatness" — John F. Kennedy for President. On my desk is a bust of President Kennedy. It is my way of honoring his memory and legacy.
President Kennedy offered America and the world hope and a vision of greatness. He had courage and, like (those portrayed in) his book "Profiles in Courage," he was indeed a man of courage.
Over the years, I had the honor to shake the hand of Robert F. Kennedy and U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, and in 1989, I spent a whole day at the John F. Kennedy Museum in Boston, where I had the honor of spending time with one of John F. Kennedy's closest friends — David Powers. Mr. Powers shared with me some wonderful memories of JFK.
These encounters with history have reinforced my heartfelt belief that John F. Kennedy was truly a wonderful and remarkable world leader.
Back in December of 1974, on a cold morning, I made the trip to Arlington National Cemetery to visit the grave of President Kennedy. Though it was early and cold, I was moved by the line-up of people filing past President Kennedy's grave. Thousands of people like myself were moved by the life and times of a leader gunned down in the streets of Dallas.
Forty years have not changed my affection and admiration for President John F. Kennedy; he has a special place in my heart.

Michael McCafferty lives in Regina, Saskatchewan


Blogger Larry Birkbeck said...

Michael, I agree, as Democrats go it is fair to say that John F. Kennedy was one of the greatest American Presidents ever. His manner of speech was almost always profound.

Larry Birkbeck

11:47 PM


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